HiLink > Virtual Classroom: In-Class Capabilities
1. View Switch
- View switch: whiteboard view, sidebar view, gallery view

2. Multi-file Management in Class

Note: Supported file types: for multi-file management in class: ( doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, mp4, mov, png, jpg, jpeg)
3. Breakout Groups

4. Classroom Rewards

5. Classroom Reaction
6. In-class Chat
- Class chat & chat document upload

7. Raising your Hand In-class / Chat
Note: Raised hands will appear in the top right hand corner of the users video window.
8. Screen Sharing

9. Adding a Presenter In-class

Mute all & camera off during class

- Removing a participant from class

Note: Removal of an in-class participant for any reason, is done so at the discretion of the meeting admin.
The admin can readmit the the user back to class when/if they see fit. Removing the user from one class, does not ban them from all future classes.