Managing Waiting Room Functions for Your Virtual Classroom

The Waiting Room allows teachers to control when a student joins the meeting. Teachers can admit students one-by-one or admit them all at once.

This article covers

  • Benefits of Using the Waiting Room
  • How the Waiting Room Works
  • How to Enable the Waiting Room

1. Benefits of Using the Waiting Room 

The Waiting Room is a virtual holding area where students are placed when they try to join an online classroom before the teacher arrives. This feature ensures that students cannot access the classroom unsupervised, helping to maintain order and security.

Key Benefits:

  1. Control Over Entry: Teachers can control when students enter the classroom.
  2. Security: Prevents unsupervised interactions among students.
  3. Organization: Ensures that classes start smoothly and on time.

2. How the Waiting Room Feature Works

When the Waiting Room feature is enabled:

  1. Device Setup: Students configure their device settings (e.g., microphone, camera, speakers) to ensure everything is ready for the class.
  2. Student Pre-Class Entry: Once students click "join" on the device setting page, they will be automatically placed in a waiting room.
  3. Teacher Entry: Once the teacher joins, they can admit students from the waiting room into the classroom.

3. How to Enable the Waiting Room

To enable the waiting room when creating a class, follow these steps:

  1. Set Parameters:

    • Enable the waiting room feature: ("enableWaitingRoom": true)
    • Set timerStartTime to the scheduled class time.
    • Set the startTime of the class to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled class time for students to go to the waiting room first.
  2. Class Schedule Example:

Let's say your class is scheduled for 1:00 PM but you allow teachers to go into the classroom 15 minutes prior.

    1. The teacher can join starting at 12:45 PM and go directly into the classroom.
    2. Any students that join will be placed in the waiting room.
    3. When students are in the waiting room, the teacher will receive a message in the classroom that students are waiting.
    4. At 1:00 PM (or whenever the teacher chooses), the teacher can admit the students into the classroom and the class timer will start.


The waiting room feature is an essential tool for maintaining control, security, and organization in virtual classrooms. By configuring this feature properly, teachers can ensure a smooth and orderly start to their classes.

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